The Department of Finance performs a strategic finance and policy role and delivers a significant portfolio of services to other government departments and the wider public service: human resources, ICT, finance, internal audit, property management, procurement, statistical and legal services.
The Department also provides a range of frontline services:
• Land and Property Services collect and manage the various rate relief and rate rebate schemes in Northern Ireland (collecting over £1.2bn of regional and district rates each year).
• Land and Property Services also maintains the land register, registry of deeds and statutory charges register for Northern Ireland and provides property valuation services to the public sector, as well as providing mapping services across the public and private sectors.
• The Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency is part of the Department. As well as providing statistical and research services to support decision making across government, it is responsible for delivery and analysis of the Census in Northern Ireland. The Agency also manages the registration of births, adoptions, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships service for Northern Ireland.
Why the Department of Finance are supporting a Boardroom Apprentice
I’m delighted the Department of Finance is supporting the Boardroom Apprentice. The programme not only helps encourage greater diversity in public appointments, it brings further challenge and scrutiny to many Boards and enhancing their effectiveness, including the Department of Finance. This is good news for DoF and for the citizens of Northern Ireland and the provision of public services.
Location of Board and Committee Meetings
The Departmental Board and its Audit and Risk Committee (DARC) generally meet in the Greater Belfast area, however due to the COVID pandemic meetings over the last two years have taken place virtually.
Frequency and timing of board/committee meetings
At present both the Board and DARC meet monthly, however the exact frequency is currently under review. Board meetings are scheduled from 10am to 1pm, whilst DARC meetings similarly start at 10/11am and last up to 3 hours or so.
Date of Board Meetings (September 2022 – August 2023)
At present Board meetings are held on the last Wednesday of each month.
Committee of the Boards and meeting dates (September 2022 – August 2023)
The DARC meetings have not yet been scheduled for this period.