Holywell Trust is a community relations and community development initiative established in September 1988.

We were founded to foster better relationships and social transformation in the North West and across Northern Ireland.

Through a range of groundbreaking approaches and methodologies, Holywell has contributed significantly to the tackling of contested space and the building of shared and respected places.

Maureen Hetherington Chair

Gerard Deane Chief Executive

Why the Holywell Trust is supporting Boardroom Apprentice

We are going through a succession process with our board and are looking to attract new members for our board. We also want to give the opportunity to an appropriate apprentice who could learn from the experience. 

Location of Board and Committee Meetings

Holywell Trust, 10-12 Bishop Street, Derry, BT48 6PW

Frequency and timing of board/committee meetings

Board meetings take place on the first Thursday of every other month from 10.00am until 12.00pm.

Date of Board Meetings (September 2023 – August 2024)

7th September 2023 

2nd November 2023 

4th January 2024 

7th March 2024 

2nd May 2024 

4th July 2024 

5th September 2024 

Committee of the Boards and meeting dates (September 2023 – August 2024)