Natural Resources Wales (NRW) looks after our environment for people and nature.
NRW’s purpose is to pursue sustainable management of natural resources and apply the principles of sustainable management of natural resources.
We work with Welsh Government and our main responsibilities are:
Adviser: principal adviser to Welsh Government, and adviser to industry and the wider public and voluntary sector, and communicator about issues relating to the environment and its natural resources. Regulator, Designator for Sites of Special Scientific Interest, Category 1 emergency responder, Statutory consultee, Manager/Operator to seven per cent of Wales’ land area, Partner, Educator and Enabler, we collaborate with the public, private and voluntary sectors, providing grant aid, and helping a wide range of people use the environment as a learning resource;acting as a catalyst for others’ work. Evidence gatherer, and employer of around 2,400 staff.
We are proud to serve the people of Wales by being:
• Connected: we value our deep-rooted attachment to the land and water, nature and communities of Wales and build meaningful partnerships
• Bold: we use our voice, take action to make a difference and lead by example
• Caring: we listen to understand, care for each other and the communities we serve, and the environment we all depend on
• Resourceful: we explore new ways of doing things, innovate to accelerate change and use our resources effectively.
These values reflect, in part, where we are now as well as our aspirations for the future. They are intrinsic to the successful delivery of our vision and mission.
The values will be front and centre of everything we do to deliver the Corporate Plan;they will be embedded in our brand, our storytelling, our learning and development, leadership and management. All our work conversations and behaviours will be rooted in these values.
Our Board is made up of 12 Non-Executive Directors and the Chief Executive and we travel around Wales to hold our Board meetings to ensure that the pan-Wales perspective and remit of NRW is experienced by our Board.
We work with Welsh Government and our main responsibilities are:
Adviser: principal adviser to Welsh Government, and adviser to industry and the wider public and voluntary sector, and communicator about issues relating to the environment and its natural resources. Regulator, Designator for Sites of Special Scientific Interest, Category 1 emergency responder, Statutory consultee, Manager/Operator to seven per cent of Wales’ land area, Partner, Educator and Enabler, we collaborate with the public, private and voluntary sectors, providing grant aid, and helping a wide range of people use the environment as a learning resource;acting as a catalyst for others’ work. Evidence gatherer, and employer of around 2,400 staff.
Why NRW is supporting Boardroom Apprentice
At NRW we work across a diverse and broad remit and welcome a range of experiences and backgrounds from our Board members and staff to help us make the best decisions for the environment and the people of Wales. Our Board membership comes though the public appointments process and we think this would be a good way to diversify this approach.
Location of Board and Committee Meetings
Pan Wales
Frequency and timing of board/committee meetings
Board Meetings are every other month and they last 2 days. Committee Meetings are quarterly and are usually 9-3pm.
Date of Board Meetings (January 2024 – December 2024)
•1st & 2nd February 2024 (2 days) •20th & 21st March 2024 (2 days) •22nd & 23rd May 2024 (2 days) •17th July 2024 (1 day) •25th & 26th September 2024 (2 days) •20th & 21st November 2024 (2 days)
Committee of the Boards and meeting dates (January 2024 – December 2024)