The Forestry Commission is a non-ministerial department supported by two agencies and is responsible for protecting, expanding and promoting the sustainable management of woodlands.

The two agencies that support Forestry Commission are Forestry England and Forest Research. Forestry England is England’s largest land manager, responsible for managing most of the public forest estate of over 250,000 hectares. They provide opportunities for recreation and are the largest outdoor recreation provider in England. They also produce over one million tonnes of sustainable timber every year through productive forestry, are champions for biodiversity and help to conserve thousands of plant and animal species. Forest Research is Great Britain’s principal body for forest and tree related research. Their forestry related research spans plant health, carbon sequestration, climate change adaptation and the wellbeing and economic benefits of woodland. Forest Research is internationally renowned for the provision of evidence and scientific services in support of sustainable forestry.  

The Forestry Commission increases the value of woodlands to society and the environment. We are the forestry regulator and are responsible for plant and tree health at a country and Great Britain level. We provide expert technical advice to policy makers and landowners and help develop and manage tree related incentives, like tree planting. The Forestry Commission administers the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO), supporting landowners to plants new woodlands and working towards the Government’s commitment to increase tree planting rates across the UK to 30,000 hectares per year by 2024 and 7,500ha in England. Forest Services is the name used internally for the teams of people who work on regulation, plant and tree health and tree planting delivery through working with landowners, businesses and community groups. 

Ultimately, we care about trees, woodlands and forests and recognise the value of forests in helping to mitigate the impact of climate change, capturing carbon, helping to improve wellbeing and mental health and supporting biodiversity.

Sir William Worsley Chair

Richard Stanford Chief Executive

Why the Forestry Commission is supporting Boardroom Apprentice

The Forestry Commission is committed to providing opportunities to people from a wide range of backgrounds and to bringing fresh and diverse perspectives to the management of our organisation. The nations forests are a valuable resource and sustainable management of woodlands, both publicly and privately owned, is critical to supporting a future where Net Zero targets can be achieved, the effects of climate change can be mitigated, and people have access to diverse, high-quality green spaces that support their mental health and wellbeing. We’re looking for a committed, passionate and engaged Boardroom Apprentice to help support our organisational objectives, contribute to discussions about the present and future of our organisation and bring considered ideas to the table. We want to support our Boardroom Apprentice in learning more about the running of a large organisation and to increase their opportunity to fulfil their potential by becoming a Board Member in the future.

Location of Board and Committee Meetings

The Boardroom Apprentice will attend a combination of Board meetings from across the three branches of the Forestry Commission, which includes Forestry England, Forest Services and Forest Research.  The Board meetings will be held in a variety of locations and in both an in-person and hybrid format. There is an expectation that two to four meetings will be held virtually, and the remainder will be held at locations throughout the UK where there is a Forestry Commission presence, i.e. one of the national forest sites, and will be combined with a site visit and tour.

Frequency and timing of board/committee meetings

The Board of Commissioner Board meetings are held twice a year. 

The Forestry England Board meetings are held five times a year. 

The Forest Services Board meetings are held five times a year. 

The Forest Research Board meetings are held five times a year. 

The in-person Board meetings that are held off-site, usually at one of our forest locations, tend to be held over two days to combine the meeting and a visit. Board meetings typically last between two and three hours.

Date of Board Meetings (January 2024 – December 2024)

Dates are currently being agreed for 2024 with the earliest to be held at the end of January and the early December. More precise dates will be able to be shared in two weeks time.

Committee of the Boards and meeting dates (January 2024 – December 2024)

Board of Commissioners are to be held in mid-July over two days and in early December.