The Arts Council of Northern Ireland is a non-departmental public body (NDPB) of the Department for Communities (DFC). We distribute public money and National Lottery funds to develop artists and arts organisations, delivering a wide variety of arts projects, events and initiatives across Northern Ireland.

The Arts Council is funded via grant-in-aid by the Department for Communities and is managed by a Board. Members are appointed by the Minister for Communities.

The Board consists of the Chairman, Mr Liam Hannaway, plus 9 members and meets on a regular basis. The Board members, including Vice-Chair, Mr William Leathem, provide a broad cross-section of expertise and include representatives from the arts and culture sector.

Liam Hannaway Chair

Roisin McDonough Chief Executive

Why the Arts Council is supporting Boardroom Apprentice

The Arts Council recognise the importance of diversity across our sector and are making progress in implementing policies and programmes to support diversity across the arts and creative industries. Our 2020-21 annual funding survey of our core portfolio notes that while gender is well balanced across Board composition, only has 2% of members define themselves as non-white, 7% LGBTQ+ , 10% aged 34 and under, 10% with disabilities. We want to take the lead and look at our own Board composition and enhance diversity and believe the Boardroom apprentice is a great opportunity to a) give someone the opportunity to learn from a dynamic, fast-paced organisation and b) we learn from fresh thinking and from different perspectives. We have a minority ethnic (ME) deliberative forum comprised of artists and organisations representing artists from non-white, migrant backgrounds in NI and this has been discussed as a small step in tackling huge barriers in our sector for ME communities.

Location of Board and Committee Meetings

Committee meetings are currently blended, online and in the Boardroom, Linen Hill House, 23 Linenhall Street, Lisburn BT28 1FJ.  Board meetings for 2023/24 will be in person at various arts venues throughout NI. 

Frequency and timing of board/committee meetings

Board meetings approx. every 6 weeks 2.00-5.00pm 

Committee meetings are held quarterly. Meetings take place during the day Audit Committee 10.00-11.30am; Finance Committee 2.00-3.30pm; Grants Committee ad-hoc on demand during the day. 

Date of Board Meetings (September 2023 – August 2024)

Sept-Dec 23 confirmed at this stage 

08/09/2023 Friday 1-5pm Ulster Orchestra, Belfast

11/10/2023 Weds Full day Board Effectiveness (Tyrone Guthrie)

12/10/2023 Thurs 1/2 day Board (Tyrone Guthrie)

08/12/2023 Friday 1-5pm Bangor Courthouse 

Committee of the Boards and meeting dates (September 2023 – August 2024)

Sept-Dec 23 confirmed at this stage 

Audit & Risk 

26/06/2023 Mon 10.00-11.30

09/10/2023 Mon 10.00-11.30

06/12/2023 Weds 10.00-11.30

Finance & Capital 

26/06/2023 Mon 2.00-3.30pm

04/12/2023 Mon 2.00-3.30pm