We are the national tourism agency, a non-departmental public body funded by the Department for Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS). We were established by the Development of Tourism Act 1969 and we undertake Britain-wide and England-specific activity respectively under the brands “VisitBritain” and “VisitEngland”. the volume and value of tourism visits to the U.K. thereby benefitting England and the U.K.’s wider Visitor Economy. 

The BTA has a statutory duty:

1 To encourage people to visit Great Britain and people living in Great Britain to take their holidays there;and

2 To encourage the provision and improvement of tourist amenities and facilities in Great Britain. 

The BTA trades as both VisitBritain and VisitEngland, with each organisation having different responsibilities. It also acts as the Government’s strategic adviser on tourism matters.  

VisitBritain’s main activities are:

● Operating a global network that markets Great Britain as a tourist destination across its priority markets, those being the USA, Germany, France, the GCC and Australia.

● Delivering marketing campaigns in conjunction with partners, including airlines and the travel trade;

● Undertaking and disseminating research and data concerning inbound travel and analysing this to advise Government and industry;

● Winning Business events (such as conferences, sports events, Eurovision), including running the Business Events Growth Programme, focused on bringing international business events to Britain. 

● Hosting and attending international travel trade shows to promote Britain;

● An online shop that delivers revenue to the business;and

● Running an internal transformation programme to enhance digital and people capabilities.

Nick De Bois Interim Chair

Patricia Yates Chief Executive

Why the British Tourist Authority is supporting Boardroom Apprentice

Tourism is a diverse sector: involving large hotels, restaurants and pubs, galleries and museums, parks and nature reserves alongside smaller scale attractions and B&Bs. It responds to demands from people from all walks of life, countries and cultures. To strengthen our work, we want as many different viewpoints as possible: including people unfamiliar with us but nevertheless actual or potential customers. We believe our Boards will be instructive for our Apprentices but equally valuable for ourselves. 

The BTA has a well-developed People Strategy – https://www.visitbritain.org/our-people-strategy – supporting staff to develop their skills and maximise their wellbeing at work. It includes a Diversity and Inclusion Action Group coordinating staff-run diversity and inclusion networks represented by colleagues at all levels from across its global teams. 

The BTA Board is committed to eliminating discrimination and advancing equality of opportunity. The Apprentice programme represents a valuable opportunity for the BTA Board to play its own role in supporting the delivery of our People Strategy and its action groups and networks. The BTA Board would particularly encourage applicants from underrepresented groups, those based outside London and the South-East and applicants who have achieved success through non-traditional educational routes.

Location of Board and Committee Meetings

Location of Board and Committee meetings is currently to be confirmed, with some expected to be in London.

Frequency and timing of board/committee meetings

There are 5 Board meetings each year plus 1 strategy day, where colleagues from the Visit England Advisory Board also join. Board meetings are usually 4 hours in duration starting at 10 am. The Board has 2 sub committees, Audit and Risk and Remuneration and Peopl, who meet 4 and 3 times each year respectively. These meetings are shorter, usually of 2 – 3 hours in duration.

Date of Board Meetings (January 2024 – December 2024)

30 January 19 March, 18 June, 24 September, 15 October (Joint Strategy Day), 3 December

Committee of the Boards and meeting dates (January 2024 – December 2024)

Audit and Risk:

23 January

12 March

 4 June

19 November

Remuneration and People:

16 January

7 May

5 September