The DBS delivers Disclosure and Barring functions on behalf of government. This includes DBS checks for England, Wales, Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man and barring functions for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. We carry out this work from bases in Darlington and Liverpool.

DBS was created in 2012 under the provisions of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012. We are a non- departmental public body (NDPB) accountable to Parliament through the Secretary of State for the Home Office.

We provide an important service helping to safeguard and protect people in our society whilst ensuring proportionality and protecting the rights of individuals. We do this by providing relevant information, and where necessary, making barring decisions to help employers make safer recruitment decisions.

DBS issues three levels of certificates of criminal records, known as disclosure or DBS checks and we operate a system of updating certificates through our Update Service. We also bar individuals from working in certain circumstances. Our work is funded by the fees from our disclosure customers.

Dr Gillian Fairfield Chair

Eric Robinson Chief Executive

Why the DBS is supporting Boardroom Apprentice

“The need to improve diversity and inclusion in public appointments is widely acknowledged across Government. The lack of diversity on DBS’s Board concerns our Chairman and she passionately believes in providing opportunities for people to help prepare them for Board appointments. Boardroom apprentice enables apprentices to gain Board experience, through a combination of their attending our Board meetings as well as receiving mentorship for a fixed period. By doing this, not only does DBS benefit from increased diversity and refreshed / enhanced thinking, but the experience helps prepare aspiring Board members. We are delighted to have been able to participate in the 2019 Boardroom Apprentice initiative and would like to give another Apprentice the opportunity to join us in 2020.”

Location of Board and Committee Meetings

These generally alternate between our Liverpool and Darlington sites:

Liverpool – Shannon Court, 10 Princes Parade, Liverpool, L3 1QY

Darlington – Stephenson House, Alderman Best Way, Morton Palms Business Park, Darlington, DL1 4WB

Frequency and timing of board/committee meetings

Boards are monthly with the exception of August and December.

Generally Boards start at 9 and finish around 4 although this can be variable. Committee meetings take place mid-month with Board at the end of the month.

Date of Board Meetings (September 2021 – August 2022)


Committee of the Boards and meeting dates (September 2021 – August 2022)