The Northern Ireland Library Authority (Libraries NI) was established in April 2009 and has the statutory responsibility for the provision of public library services in Northern Ireland. Libraries NI is a non-departmental public body of the Department for Communities. To support us in meeting our obligations to deliver the library service in Northern Ireland we have developed a number of strategic aims and outcomes taking account of priorities in the draft Programme for Government framework and Community Plans.
In order to help achieve our strategic aims and outcomes our work focuses on a number of service areas, including:
- Children and Young People
- Cultural Heritage
- Digital Inclusion
- Support for Health and Wellbeing
- Community Relations and Cultural Diversity
- Reading and Reader Development
The service is delivered through a network of 96 libraries, two heritage libraries, 16 mobile libraries and a home call service. Resources are also available and accessible through the Libraries NI website. We have some 670 full and part-time staff working in libraries across Northern Ireland. In addition Libraries NI has a Board comprising an independent Chairperson and when fully constituted 18 Members, of whom a majority are elected Councillors.
Programming and delivering activities represents a large part of what we do and there is a significant emphasis on digital literacy, partnership, inclusivity and reaching out into communities. We have 29 libraries that are classified as being located within rural areas and 31 libraries that serve the 10% most deprived Super Output Areas in Northern Ireland.
Why Libraries NI is supporting Boardroom Apprentice
We believe the Boardroom Apprentice is an excellent initiative providing opportunities for a range of people to gain knowledge and experience of how public and third sector organisations and their Board operate and function.
Location of Board and Committee Meetings
Mainly held in Lisburn City Library, but may on occasion be held at other library locations. Currently, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, meetings are being conducted remotely using ‘Zoom’.
Frequency and timing of board/committee meetings
Board Meetings – 6 per annum.
Services Committee Meetings – 5 per annum.
Business Support Committee Meetings – 5 per annum.
Audit and Risk Assurance Committee – 4 per annum.
Meetings are held during normal working hours, usually on a Thursday (Audit and Risk Assurance Committee on a Wednesday), commencing at 10:30 am.
Date of Board Meetings (September 2023 – August 2024)
Board Meetings – September, October, December, February, April and July
Committee of the Boards and meeting dates (September 2023 – August 2024)
Services Committee Meetings – September, November, January, March and May.
Business Support Committee Meetings – September, November, January, March and May.
Audit and Risk Assurance Committee – October, January, April and June.