The Police Service of Northern Ireland
The PSNI was formally established on the 4th November 2001 and is responsible for the delivery of policing services in Northern Ireland – serving a population of circa 1.9mmillion people. It has a workforce of circa 10,000 and a budget of £825M.
Why PSNI is supporting Boardroom Apprentice
We value the perspective of someone outwith the organisation who can critically challenge and collaboratively contribute to organisational decision making. We also view that this would be a great placement for a Boardroom Apprentice and would like to afford that opportunity.
Location of Board and Committee Meetings
Currently virtual but ordinarily in Police HQ, Belfast.
Frequency and timing of board/committee meetings
Board and Committee meetings are held quarterly. Meetings take place during the day from 0930 – 1400
Date of Board Meetings (September 2022 – August 2023)
Bi-monthly from September 2022 normally 1000-1300