South West College is a Non-Departmental Public Body sponsored by the Department for the Economy.  It services the geographical area of Counties Tyrone and Fermanagh. There are five campus locations at Cookstown, Dungannon, Omagh, two at Enniskillen (Erne campus and Technology and Skills Centre) and a number of out centres.  The College employs approximately 700 staff and has an annual budget of over 40M. It offers a wide range of vocational and non-vocational courses and provides a service to the community, local schools, business and industry. The College services approximately 14,000 enrolments annually provides courses ranging from basic skills to Higher National Diploma and Degree Level programmes.  

The Governing Body of the College is responsible for the effective and efficient management of the College, including financial performance and the quality of teaching, learning and assessment. It is comprised of 15 governors from a range of backgrounds who bring extensive experience and knowledge to their roles. 

Dr Nicholas O’Shiel Chair 

Mr Michael McAlister Chief Executive

Why SWC is supporting Boardroom Apprentice

“South West College has people development at its heart. It values the contribution made by its governors and recognises the skills and responsibilities involved in such a role. It is supportive of the Boardroom Apprentice programme and welcomes the opportunity to provide hands on experience to a Boardroom Apprentice as part of their training.”

Location of Board and Committee Meetings

Currently online via MS Teams.

Meetings normally rotated among Dungannon, Enniskillen and Omagh campuses.

Frequency and timing of board/committee meetings

Governing Body Meets 6 times per annum at 5:30 pm.

Committees meet 4 – 5 times per annum.  Timings of committee meetings vary – two are held at 9:00 am, one at 3:30 pm and one at 5:00 pm.

The Boardroom Apprentice is likely to attend the Governing Body meetings and meetings of one or two committees depending on interest, expertise and availability. 

Date of Board Meetings (September 2021 – August 2022)

Not available at this time.

Committee of the Boards and meeting dates

Audit & Risk Committee (meets 4 times per annum at 3:30 pm)

Education, Quality & Performance Committee (meets 5 times per annum at 5:00 pm)

Finance & General Purposes Committee (meets 5 times per annum at 9:00 am)

Staffing Committee (meets 5 times per annum at 9:00 am)

Dates not available at this time.