The Community Foundation for Staffordshire is an independent charity dedicated to strengthening local communities across Staffordshire and Shropshire. We aim to tackle issues of disadvantage and exclusion through the building of permanent endowments and the allocation of grants. The Foundation is one of more than 40 Community Foundations throughout the United Kingdom, and we are a member of ‘UKCF‘, who promote closer working and opportunities for all Foundations throughout the country.
As we are locally based we understand our local community. We identify local needs and mobilise local resources. We aim to work closely with other support organisations across the county and with local authorities, for the betterment of the county, whilst remaining non-political.
As a registered charity and a company we have a board of trustees, who are also directors. They are drawn from across the county and have a wide variety of backgrounds and experience, from banking and finance to business to work in the voluntary sector, to ensure that we are able to represent and understand the views of different sections of our county.
We also distribute grants on behalf of Government, national charities such as Comic Relief and public organisations, as well as private donors and philanthropists and other trusts and charities. We have comprehensive grant-making policies and procedures, combined with extensive knowledge and understanding of the local community and its needs, therefore ensuring grants are targeted responsibility and carefully.
Why the Community Foundation for Staffordshire is supporting Boardroom Apprentice
The Community Foundation is keen to ensure that our board of trustees is drawn from all sectors of society. We are aware that currently most trustees tend to fit specific age and social profiles. We want to change this, and offer the opportunity to a more diverse range of trustee candidates, including actively giving the opportunity of trusteeship to those who would ordinarily not be considered as a trustee.
Further, there is an opportunity for a Boardroom Apprentice candidate to join us, and play an active part in our decision making process. This would not be a one way street. Whilst we are keen to offer the opportunity, we would also listen to the views and experience of a boardroom apprentice. As well as offering the opportunity to join us, we would like to learn from them.
Location of Board and Committee Meetings
Frequency and timing of board/committee meetings
Board meetings are held quarterly in March, June, September and December.
Sub-committees are held quarterly in February, May, August and November.
Meetings usually take place during the day.
Date of Board Meetings (January 2024 – December 2024)
Thursday 15th June, Thursday 21st September, Thursday 14th December
Committee of the Boards and meeting dates (January 2024 – December 2024)
Thursday 10th August. Thursday 9th November