The Utility Regulator is responsible for regulating the electricity, gas, water and sewerage industries in Northern Ireland, promoting the short and long-term interests of consumers.

Our work involves:

  • issuing and maintaining licences for gas, electricity and water companies to operate in Northern Ireland;
  • making sure that these companies meet relevant legislation and licence obligations;
  • challenging these companies to keep the prices they charge as low as they can be;
  • encouraging regulated companies to be more efficient and responsive to customers;
  • working to encourage competition in the gas, electricity, water and sewerage services markets;
  • setting the standards of service which regulated companies provide to customers in Northern Ireland; and
  • acting as an adjudicator on certain customer complaints, disputes and appeals.

We are governed by a Board of Directors and are accountable to the Northern Ireland Assembly through financial and annual reporting obligations.

We are based at Queens House, Belfast.

Bill Emery Chair

John French Chief Executive

Why the Utility Regulator is supporting Boardroom Apprentice


  1. Help increase awareness of the UR
  2. Support the development of potential board members
  3. Provide an opportunity for a board member to mentor the board room apprentice

Location of Board and Committee Meetings

Queens House, 14 Queen Street, Belfast, BT1 6ED

Frequency and timing of board/committee meetings

Monthly for board meetings.  Meetings take place in person (in September, December, March and June) during the day from 0930 – 1500 approx and are virtual the rest of the time.

Date of Board Meetings (September 2023 – August 2024)

21 September, 19 October, 16 November, 14 December 2023

(2024 meetings to be finalised in May 2023)

Committee of the Boards and meeting dates (September 2023 – August 2024)

Remcom – 18 October 2023

Audit Committee – 15 September and 29  November 2023

(2024 meetings to be finalised in May 2023)