Verbal was established in 1992 and has been continuously trading in the arts and creative industries for approaching 28 years.

Verbal employs approximately 40 people on a full time, part time, sessional and freelance basis. It delivers its programme of activity on a regional basis across Northern Ireland and on a cross border basis. Verbal works with approximately 25,000 plus people per annum (not including readership numbers).

Our vision is; A world where every story matters. We believe everyone should live in a world where every story matters. A world where everyone, regardless of ability, background, or circumstances, should have access to the resources and opportunities to tell their story.

Our mission is; Using our unique multi-disciplinary approach to the art of storytelling Verbal works in partnership to enhance wellbeing among individuals and communities.

We believe storytelling is a leadership artform, open to all, through which we translate values into action. Narrative and storytelling are accessible, engaging & participation based built from the experience of challenge, choice and outcome that all of us, regardless of circumstance, have encountered.

By telling their story and listening to the stories of others, communities and individuals, especially those whose stories are rarely heard, can through the language arts:

  • challenge the assumptions and prejudices of everyday life that exist and cause conflict between different and diverse communities
  • create a safe and nurturing environment to promote wellbeing
  • shine a light on the “unseen” life circumstances of the vulnerable and marginalised
  • encourage reconsideration of what is ‘taken for granted’
  • “give voice” to new and better ways to improve quality of life.

Mark Moroney Chair

James Kerr Chief Executive

Why Verbal is supporting Boardroom Apprentice

“To widen the diversity of membership.”

Location of Board and Committee Meetings

Verbal Arts Centre, Stable Lane & Mall Wall, Bishop Street Within, Derry / Londonderry, BT48 6PU

Frequency and timing of board/committee meetings

Board Meetings are held quarterly from 10am to 1pm.

AGM from 9am to 2pm

Date of Board Meetings (September 2021 – August 2022)


Committee of the Boards and meeting dates (September 2021 – August 2022)